How to get up if you fall -- Body Recall instructions

Body Recall, based in Berea, teaches exercises and methods that help prevent falling and help people get up and get help if we do fall. Many churches are giving pastoral care to members who have experienced a fall. Sometimes this avoidable situation results in an inability to return to church.

This link is to a two minute video, courtesy of the Times Daily of Florence, Alabama, from a demonstration giving by 5 residents of the Green Oaks Inn specialty care facility in Florence. The demonstration was part of a Falls and Recovery presentation given by Body Recall Executive Director Jeff Rubin and Certified Instructor and Trainer Anita Patirck before 400 administrators at the Alabama Assisted Living Association. Ranging in age from 82 to 88, these residents and students show what is possible through appropriate training when facing quality of life challenges of various sorts.

Body Recall will be one of the vendors exhibiting at the Council's 2012 annual assembly October 25-26 in Morehead.